Corwin provides sustained, job-embedded professional learning that supports educators to strengthen the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices that have the greatest influence on student growth and achievement.

Nancy Akhavan
Request AvailabilityDr. Nancy Akhavan has spent more than 30 years as an educator and consultant. Her work focuses on student support through literacy instruction and intervention, English Language Development, leadership development and organizational systems to increase student achievement. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Fresno State. She is the founder of Nancy Akhavan Consulting, Inc. Dr. Akhavan has been a bilingual teacher, principal of three schools, and a district administrator of a large urban district for ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science and World Languages. She also served as Assistant Superintendent Secondary Division in a large urban school district. Dr. Akhavan is recognized for her expertise in teaching literacy practices and has published twelve books that focus on instruction that increases student achievement, and has worked with districts and county offices in multiple states and internationally to increase student achievement in reading, writing, and in content areas.
- Literacy
- Early literacy vocabulary development
- Teaching writing and reading in workshop and non workshop settings
- English Language Development
- Nonfiction
- Standards based instruction
- Coaching to improve literacy instruction for all content areas,
- Helping students ‘at-promise’ or those who need additional support to succeed and English language development for students learning English.
Nancy also provides professional development to school and district leaders on systems for increasing student achievement, organizational development, coherence, leadership, literacy and equity. She provides professional learning opportunities through coaching, workshops and residencies. She also provides keynote addresses and motivational stories for teachers of all levels.
Teaching Nonfiction Reading: Phenomenal Lessons Across Content Areas: Participants will learn strategies to teach comprehension, thinking, writing, and reading in content areas and how to plan to ensure reading and writing are built into content learning lessons
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