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Professional learning services built for impact on all learners  

Corwin provides sustained, job-embedded professional learning that supports educators to strengthen the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices that have the greatest influence on student growth and achievement. 


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Kim West

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Kim West M.Ed., is a full-time Corwin faculty member. Previously, she was the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) Coordinator at Kramer Elementary in the Dallas Independent School District for 8 years. Kim began her career over 27 years ago as a fourth-grade self-contained teacher, then transitioned to teaching math and science in second through sixth grades for the next 15 years. She was a math instructional coach for four years before becoming the PYP coordinator and administrator at Kramer. Kim has an MA in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in mathematics and science. She is enthusiastic about empowering educators to create agentic learning environments that foster student agency, efficacy, and academic growth.