Teacher talking with student at desk
Engage in authentic conversation and reflection with experienced educators

Focus on the Human Data

Guest(s): Carol Pelletier Radford, Chase Orton and Mia Pumo
Date: 10/18/2023
Run time: 48:17
Season 1, Episode 10

Chase Orton and Mia Pumo talk about how teaching is a craft where we learn from each other. Whether you are a new or veteran teacher, teaching is not about what you tell them, but about what you show them. Everyone has a talent, help students find it!

Episode Audio

Carol Pelletier Radford Photo

Carol Pelletier Radford

Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.

Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership. She is also a certified yoga teacher who practices meditation and shares mindfulness strategies with educators through her online courses and website. Her podcast Teaching With Light features the stories of teachers and inspirational leaders. Her next passion project is the creation of a Teacher Legacy Network, where retired teachers can share their wisdom with the next generation of teachers.

You can learn more about Carol, find free resources, videos, meditations, courses, and all of her books at mentoringinaction.com/.

Twitter: @MentorinAction
Facebook: @MentoringinAction4Teachers
Instagram: @cpradford

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Chase Orton Photo

Chase Orton

Chase Orton’s unique career path has been guided by his passion for creating productive and inspired math classrooms that are engaging and fulfilling for both students and their teachers.

After graduating from Wheaton College in Norton, MA, he embarked on a 12-year journey as a math teacher at three different schools: The Forman School in Litchfield, CT; The Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center in Estes Park, CO; and Environmental Charter High School in Lawndale, CA. In 2012, Chase founded Mobius Educational Consulting and ventured out as an independent collaborator with different non-profits and school districts in California. He’s worked as an instructional coach for Los Angeles Education Partnership and the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools. He partnered with the Center for Mathematics and Teaching as lead author of MathLinks, a comprehensive middle school math curriculum. He is a Desmos Fellow and a Certified Facilitator for Illustrative Mathematics.

As an accomplished facilitator of lesson study for K-12 math teachers, Chase currently invests his professional time partnering with districts who are interested in taking a teacher-centered, teacher-directed approach to professional development. The Imperfect and Unfinished Teacher of Mathematics is his first book.

An aspiring storyteller, Chase lives on the road and is currently collecting stories from math teachers all over the country. Interested in having Chase come visit you? He would love to hear from you. You can follow Chase on Twitter (@mathgeek76) and online at www.chaseorton.com. He shares his stories from the road on Instagram (@TheTravelingStoop).

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Mia Pumo Photo

Mia Pumo

Mia Pumo is a Program Manager at Ed Direction, working across the country with education leaders to create environments where educators and students can thrive. She is a former elementary teacher and instructional coach. She is the author of "What Are You Craving?" Designing the Life You Were Meant To Live.

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Carol Pelletier Radford Photo

Carol Pelletier Radford

Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.

Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership. She is also a certified yoga teacher who practices meditation and shares mindfulness strategies with educators through her online courses and website. Her podcast Teaching With Light features the stories of teachers and inspirational leaders. Her next passion project is the creation of a Teacher Legacy Network, where retired teachers can share their wisdom with the next generation of teachers.

You can learn more about Carol, find free resources, videos, meditations, courses, and all of her books at mentoringinaction.com/.

Twitter: @MentorinAction
Facebook: @MentoringinAction4Teachers
Instagram: @cpradford

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