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Teacher Clarity: Clarity in Learning

Teacher Clarity: Clarity in Learning

Presented by Douglas Fisher and John Taylor Almarode
[Recorded] Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Duration: 60 minutes

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With an effect size of .74, which is well above average, teacher clarity is low-hanging fruit when it comes to students’ learning. We can choose to increase clarity tomorrow and reap the benefits. Just ask Doug Fisher, coauthor of The Teacher Clarity Playbook, and John Almarode, coauthor of Clarity for Learning. Teacher clarity just requires that you know what students need to learn, communicate learning intentions and success criteria to students, and deliver lessons in a coherent way so students will learn more. Attend this webinar for expert insight on how to get started.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Define teacher clarity and describe its impact on student learning
  • Distinguish between learning intentions and success criteria
  • Increase teacher clarity in your classroom or school

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