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Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together
Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Taylor Almarode and Aleigha Henderson-Rosser
Date: Monday, March 29, 2021
Duration: 60 minutes
As the context of our teaching and learning keeps changing, our commitment as educators to move learning forward has remained constant. In this webinar, attendees will learn the definitions of simultaneous, hybrid, and blended learning and why simultaneous learning must not be additive to our workload. The presenters will guide us to extract, integrate, and implement what works best from both distance learning and face-to-face learning environments.
Session Outcomes:
- Describe effective synchronous learning experiences
- Describe effective asynchronous learning experiences
- Identity routines useful for simultaneous learning
- Learn to focus on acceleration of learning experiences
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