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How to Engage Families

Presented by Margaret Constantino and Steven Constantino
[Recorded] Date: Monday, April 03, 2023
Duration: 60 minutes

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Join Dr. Steve Constantino and Dr. Margaret Constantino as they share what they have learned and how they have improved the five simple principles for family engagement. Using case studies from the field, this webinar will outline the pathway and process to engage every family - including those families that have been traditionally disengaged or disenfranchised so that every student's community can have a powerful effect on student achievement.
Participants will be able to apply the 5 simple principals to:

  • Building sustainable school and family engagement
  • Problems of practice related to engaging families and community in schooling
  • Individual contexts as a formative assessment for action planning.

We wish we could bring all of us together at a convenient time. If you're not able to make it, just register and we'll send you the recording afterwards.

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