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Critical Comprehension
Presented by Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack and Vivian Vasquez
Date: Monday, March 20, 2023
Duration: 60 minutes
At a time when outside forces are calling for greater restrictions on access to information through book challenges, prohibitive legislation, and threats to educators who encourage students to read widely, there is an even greater need to teach students to read critically, to question the author, the text, the source of the material, and intentions. Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack, and Vivian Vasquez define the word ‘text’ broadly to include printed material as well as spoken text, songs, interactions, and events (both current and historical).
In this session, the presenters will discuss critical comprehension and share a three-step lesson process for helping students engage in this important work.
• First read: the “movie read”, during which the text is read without interruption
• Second read: The teacher poses questions that probe deeper meanings through interaction with the text to summarize, name and highlight issues, analyze and infer, to make more informed decisions about what to believe and what to question.
• Third read: Harnessing students’ curiosities, the class revisits the text to talk back to theme, symbols, central idea, or social, cultural, historical influences at work on author and audience
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