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Collaboration for English Learners: Foundational Strategies for Successful Integrated Practices

Collaboration for English Learners: Foundational Strategies for Successful Integrated Practices

Presented by Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove
[Recorded] Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Duration: 60 minutes

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When it comes to accelerating EL achievement, there is no silver bullet. But this, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove promise you: when EL specialists and general ed teachers pool their expertise, your ELs’ language development and content mastery will improve exponentially. Hear firsthand from Andrea and Maria what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders

Gain new insight into:

  • The purpose, organization, and expected outcomes of teacher collaboration in service of English learners
  • An effective framework for integrated English language development
  • Guidelines for schools to create collaborative instructional models to support the instruction of English learners
  • Strategies and best practices to maximize collaboration time

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