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Coaching for Multilingual Excellence

Coaching for Multilingual Excellence

Presented by Margarita Espino Calderon, Rebecca Upchurch, Giuliana Jahnsen Lewis, Lisa Tartaglia and Hector Montenegro
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 3:00PM PT
Duration: 60 minutes

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Middle and high school instructional coaches want to know how to observe and coach teachers with multilingual learners in their core content classrooms. In this webinar, Margarita Espino Calderón will present a coaching model for multilingual excellence focused on academic language, reading comprehension, SEL competencies, and writing that has been tested in thousands of classrooms. Margarita will be joined by four expert coaches to share protocol components, tools, and tips for coaches and school administrators. Bring your questions about coaching teachers of multilingual learners!

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