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The Use of Data in School Counseling
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071825600
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2021
- Page Count: 472
- Publication date: August 24, 2021
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Turn random acts of school counseling into definitive and data-driven efforts!
In this new edition of a bestseller, school counseling scholar and advocate Trish Hatch and National School Counselor of the Year Julie Hartline provide school counselors with new ways for moving from reactive to proactive and from random to intentional counseling. By using data to determine what all students deserve to receive and when some students need more, readers will learn effective ways to provide proactive school counseling services, hold themselves accountable, and advocate for systemic change. Inside you’ll find:
- Clear and straightforward directions for analyzing data, planning and providing interventions, and evaluating your work
- Strategies for using data to drive interventions, develop curriculum scope and sequence, create action plans and pre- and post-tests, initiate systems changes, and report results
- Methods aligned with the most recent edition of the ASCA National Model (2019), ASCA Professional Standards and Competencies, Evidence-Based Practice, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and Multi-Tiered Multi-Domain Systems of Support (MTMDSS)
- New practitioner examples and artifacts, including a RAMP School of Distinction Flashlight Package, plus dozens of tools, templates, surveys, action plans, and data management forms
Equip yourself to think and plan differently, and become more efficient and effective by using data to drive your school counseling program!
Key features
- Provides clear and straightforward explanations of challenging topics such as data analysis, planning, interventions, and evaluation
- Discusses how to use data to drive interventions, create action plans, determine curriculum and interventions, create pre- and post-tests, initiate systems changes, and report results
- Aligns with the most recent edition of the ASCA National Model (2019), ASCA Professional Competencies, Evidence-Based Practice, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and current dropout prevention research
- Includes practitioner examples, artifacts, and dozens of samples of pre- and post-tests, surveys, action plans, and management forms

Trish Hatch
Trish Hatch, Ph.D., retired as a professor at San Diego State University (SDSU) in August of 2019 and was recently awarded Professor Emeritus status. During her tenure, Dr. Hatch served as Director of the School Counseling Program from 2004-2015 and as Executive Director of SDSU’s Center for Excellence in School Counseling and Leadership.
She is the best-selling author of The Use of Data in School Counseling (2013) and co-author of Evidence-Based School Counseling: Making a Difference with Data-Driven Practices (Dimmitt, Carey, and Hatch, 2007) and the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2003, 2005). These books, as well as the three most recent collaborative texts that focus on implementing elementary and secondary school counseling programs, are used throughout the world in the preparation and professional development of school counselors.
Trish recently self-published Pilots, Passengers, Prisoners and Hijackers: An Educator’s Guide to Handling Difficult People While Moving Forward (2018), a book derived from nearly 20 years of workshops and keynote speeches she’d given on the topic.
Regarded within the profession as an advocate and national leader, Dr. Hatch served as a consultant and advisor on school counseling and educational issues for the White House and the U.S. Department of Education under the Obama administration. In 2014, she co-led the organization and planning of the second “invitation-only” White House Convening on School Counseling at SDSU.
A former school counselor, site and central office administrator, state association president, and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Vice President, Dr. Hatch has received multiple national awards, including ASCA’s Administrator of the Year award and its highest honor, the Mary Gehrke Lifetime Achievement award. She most recently received the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s (NACAC) Excellence in Education Award, previously awarded to First Lady Michelle Obama and Senator Tom Harkin, as well as the inaugural California Association of School Counselors’ School Counselor Educator of the Year award.
As President and CEO of Hatching Results, LLC, Dr. Hatch leads a team of award-winning school counseling professionals who provide training and consultation to school districts across the country.

Julie Hartline
Julie Hartline, EdD is the co-author of The Use of Data in School Counseling: Hatching Results for Students, Programs, and the Profession, Second Edition (2021).
In 1988, Dr. Hartline graduated from Agnes Scott College, a liberal arts school for women that nurtures and empowers female leaders. She entered the field of education in 1991 after serving as a parole officer in Atlanta, Georgia and discovering that over 85% of her caseload had not completed high school. She wanted to be a proactive part of the solution and reach young people before they made life-altering choices so she entered the field of education. After teaching for seven years, she found her true calling as a school counselor.
Hired as department chair for her first school counseling role, Dr. Hartline held that position for 14 years at Campbell High School where her department became the first high school in Georgia and the first school in her district of 116 schools to receive the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) award from the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) in 2008. Her efforts to design and implement a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program were recognized even further when she became nationally recognized as the 2009 ASCA School Counselor of the Year.
Dr. Hartline served on the board of the Cobb County School Counselor Association from 2008 to 2013, assuming the role of president in 2009-2010. She also served on the leadership team of the Georgia School Counselor Association (GSCA) beginning in 2009, holding the position of GSCA President in 2014-2015. From 2009 to 2017, she was actively involved in changing Georgia legislation, certification, and policy impacting school counseling, including the creation of a statewide school counselor evaluation tool. She collaborated with the Southern Regional Education Board to design school counselor training modules on college and career access and to advise stakeholders regarding policy implementation. She was also involved in First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher Initiative, attending the first three White House Convenings and the Obamas’ College Opportunity Day of Action, representing Georgia’s Reach Higher Team. Additionally, she served as an ASCA RAMP Reviewer from 2008 to 2012, reading and scoring RAMP applications from school counseling programs around the nation, and then as an ASCA Lead RAMP Reviewer, overseeing the process of reviewers scoring RAMP applications, from 2012 to present.
In 2011, Dr. Hartline earned her doctorate in Professional Counseling and Supervision with her dissertation, “Training School Counselors to Close the Achievement Gap." The following year, she became the School Counseling Consultant for the Cobb County School District where she helped to supervise approximately 300 school counselors in implementing comprehensive, data-driven school counseling programs. She held this role for five years, coaching and supporting over 30 schools through the RAMP process before retiring from K-12 education in Georgia and moving to Florida to teach future school counselors as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of North Florida.
Having started her work with Hatching Results, LLC in 2013 as a Professional Development Specialist for Hatching Results, Dr. Hartline transitioned to a more dedicated role with the company as the Associate Director of Professional Development in the fall of 2020. She has trained and educated school counselors, administrators and educational leaders around the nation via in-person professional development, webinars, conference sessions, and more. She is passionate about the field of school counseling and the difference comprehensive school counseling programs make in the lives of students.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Learning Targets
Chapter 1. Implementing School Counseling Programs for All Students
Standards-Based Education
School Counseling Standards
The ASCA National Model
An Introduction to Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
An Introduction to Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports (MTMDSS)
Tier 1 of MTMDSS for School Counselors
Chapter 2. Intentional School Counseling for Students Who Need More
What Is Intentional School Counseling?
Intentional School Counseling and the ASCA National Model
Intentional School Counseling (Tiers 2 & 3) Within MTMDSS
Intentional School Counseling and Evidence-Based Practices
Dropout Prevention and Intentional School Counseling
Chapter 3. The Use of Data to Drive Interventions
School Counselor Data Proficiency
Types of Data
Disaggregation of Data
Setting Reasonable, Measurable Outcome Goals
Federal Grants Call for Even More Data-Driven Decision Making
Chapter 4. Program Evaluation: Using Data to Evaluate Interventions
Process (Participation) Data: What You Did for Whom
Perception (Mindsets and Behaviors) Data: Did You ASK?
Outcome Data: So What?
Hatching Results Conceptual Diagrams
Changes in Data Over Time
Disaggregating Data
Chapter 5. Action Plans: A Two-Pronged Approach
School Counseling Curriculum: Every Student Gets Every Thing
Guidelines for Using Tier 1 School Counseling Curriculum Action Plans
Sample Tier 1 School Counseling Curriculum Action Plans
Intentional School Counseling: Some Kids Need More
Guidelines for Using Intentional Tier 2 School Counseling Action Plans
Sample Intentional Tier 2 School Counseling Action Plans
Chapter 6. Determining School Counseling Curriculum and Interventions
The Art and Science of School Counseling
Research on Non-Cognitive Factors Impacting Achievement
Evidence-Based Approaches
Data-Driven School Counseling Curriculum Decisions
Family Programs and Activities to Support Curriculum
Data-Driven Intentional School Counseling Intervention Decisions
Using Surveys and Finding the Root Cause
Providing Interventions and Curriculum
Chapter 7. Creating Pre-/Posttests
Why Assess? “We Are Teachers, Too”
A-S-K (ASK Them What They Learned)
Attitude: How Is an Attitude Question Created?
Knowledge: How Is a Knowledge Question Created?
Skills: How Is a Skills Question Created?
Beginning Ideas for Pre-/Posttests
Common Questions About Pre-/Posttests
Hints for Creating and Administering Pre-/Posttests
Analyzing and Improving Pre-/Posttests
Final Thoughts on Pre-/Posttests
Chapter 8. Intentional School Counseling for Systems Change
Defining Terminologies and the Work of Systemic Change
School Counselors as Social Justice Advocates
Conducting Data Conversations
Advocating for Systems Change
Intentional School Counseling Action Plans for Systems Change
Activity: Scenarios to Discuss
Chapter 9. Finding (Making) Time: Setting Priorities
Time and Choices
The Annual Administrative Conference
Student Appointment Requests
Administrator Check-In Tool
School Counselor Meetings and Sacred Collegial Talk Time
Ratios and Time
Staying in Our Lane: Effective Collaboration With Other Student Services Personnel
FAQs and Time Suckers
School Counseling Program Organizational Questionnaire
Creating a School Counseling Program Handbook
Final Thoughts—Nice Counselor Syndrome
Chapter 10. Reporting Results
Program Evaluation Versus Research
Why Results Reports?
Filling Out the Results Report
Impact Over Time
Calculating Percentages
Creating Graphic Representations of Data
A Common Mistake/Pitfall
Chapter 11. Reporting Results via the Flashlight Approach
The Flashlight Approach: Measuring One Thing—Well
Flashlight Slide Deck Template and a Detailed Walk-Through of a Presentation
Other Optional Flashlight Presentation Slides
Flashlight Rating Scale Rubric
Flashlight One Pagers
Sharing Flashlights
Chapter 12. Flashlight Packages: Putting It All Together
Flashlight Packages Introduction
Program Evaluation Reflection
School Counseling Curriculum Flashlight Package
Intentional School Counseling Flashlight Package
Reflections by Felipe Zañartu
Chapter 13. Today’s School Counselor Does Make a Difference
Logic Model for Success
Preparing the Soil
Realistic Evaluation (Activity) Questions
Owners or Renters?
Professional School Counselors
Pilots, Passengers, Prisoners, and Hijackers (P3H)
Thoughts on Complex Resistance
Seeing Obstacles as Opportunities
Resolving (Avoiding) the Bermuda Triangle
Using Data Does Make a Difference
Some Final Words From Trish
Some Final Words From Julie
Final Thoughts
"As a school counselor, I am always looking for books that will help me improve my school counseling program. This one provides a comprehensive view of how to use data in all aspects of the ASCA National Model. This is a must-have for all school counseling programs."Shuntina Taylor
School Counselor, Wake County Public School System, NC
"I am incredibly excited to utilize the second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling by Hatch and Hartline with school counselors in training. The book is filled with examples from the field and includes ways that school counselors can use data to advocate for equitable systems and programs for all students. Aligned with the fourth edition of the ASCA National Model, “this is a must-have resource for school counselors who wish to make an impact in their schools."Jennifer Betters-Bubon
Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
"Dr. Hatch continues to provide insight and direction to the ever-evolving school counseling profession. With the addition of Dr. Hartline, the second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling reflects many meaningful conversations about the future of our profession. The additions reflecting updates to the ASCA National Model, use of technology, anti-racist practices, and the impact of COVID-19 make this book a must-read for newcomer and experienced counselors alike."Stephen Sharp
Co-Author of "50+ Tech Tools for School Counselors" and K-12 School Counseling Coordinator, Hempfield School District, Lancaster, PA
"The second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling provides a much-needed, solid bridge from research to practice. Each chapter provides both a rationale and an accessible summary of relevant literature. It is easy to share the 'what' of implementation but often more difficult to share the 'how.' Trish Hatch and Julie Hartline do an excellent job of explaining the 'how' portion."Brittany L. Hott
Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma
how we can apply lessons of the past to best influence the work we do today and in the future. The strategies are detailed and easy to follow and brought to life with real world stories, examples, and opportunities to practice newly learned skills. School counselors who read this text will be able to define, manage, deliver, and assess school counseling programs that help all students grow, overcome barriers, and plan for lifelong success."
"As the school counseling profession evolves to best serve students, so must the school counselor. No matter what stage of the profession you’re in, this text will reach you. Well-respected sources are weaved together to help the reader best understand where we have been as a profession andFranciene Sabens
how we can apply lessons of the past to best influence the work we do today and in the future. The strategies are detailed and easy to follow and brought to life with real world stories, examples, and opportunities to practice newly learned skills. School counselors who read this text will be able to define, manage, deliver, and assess school counseling programs that help all students grow, overcome barriers, and plan for lifelong success."
School Counselor, Elverado High School, Elkville, IL
"The second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling by Trish Hatch and Julie Hartline is an essential part of the core curriculum for all school counselors. Like any profession, school counselors should constantly advocate for the profession’s value to students, teachers, and school administrators. Hatch and Hartline provide the data to add credibility to the advocacy. As the profession of school counseling evolves to meet the needs of all students, Hatch and Hartline provide the tools to support our community and help us document the efficacy of our work and keep ourselves accountable. The foundational information, tools, and ideas in The Use of Data in School Counseling are an essential part of every school counselor’s library."Michael Cady Russell
Licensed School Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor, Portland Public Schools, OR and Russell Counseling, LLC
The second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling is chock-full of valuable information that will be continually referenced for building, maintaining, or improving your school counseling structures and practices. This is a shelf staple for school counselors."Connie Hanel
Learning Specialist, Independent Learning Systems, LLC and the University at Buffalo
"The second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling is a must-read for all school counselors and administrators. It is filled with practical examples. The chapter focused on social justice speaks to the importance of school counselors examining achievement and opportunity gaps and developing plans to close these gaps. This is an essential practice for all educators. Looking to meet the needs of ALL students? This book is a great guide to achieving your goal!"Rebecca Pianta
Coordinator of Counseling and Student Support, Capistrano Unified School District, CA
"The second edition of The Use of Data In School Counseling offers guidance that will benefit practicing school counselors trying to revamp their programs, school counselors in training preparing for the field, and school counselor educators in need of concise and comprehensive materials for their courses."Molly Strear
Associate Professor of School Counseling, San Francisco State University
"As a leader in the school counseling field and an adjunct professor of school counseling, I find this text to be super valuable to both pre-service graduate students just beginning their school counseling journey and veterans who likely never had the opportunity to take a school counseling data class during their training. I use this text with my Introduction to School Counseling students and they comment on how helpful and easy it is to explain what are often challenging topics and concepts. Hatch and Hartline have improved the first edition to make this even more relevant, practical, and useful, if that is even possible, in supporting aspiring school counselors as well as those currently in the field. Every school counselor should have to read this book before entering the field."Bob Bardwell
Director of School Counseling, Monsoon Public Schools, MA
"Data-driven decision-making is one of the major ways we can ensure that our students do not fall through the cracks and provide more equitable interventions for our students. The second edition of The Use of Data in School Counseling goes beyond just talking about best practices by offering concrete examples, forms, and resources for school counselors to implement. I appreciate the work of Trish Hatch and Julie Hartline."Ricky Almeida
Middle School Counselor, Portland Public Schools, OR, and 2020 Oregon School Counselor of the Year
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
Related Resources
- Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.
- An Introduction on how to use The Vocabulary Playbook [Book Excerpt]