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The New American High School

The reform movement is, more often than not, viewed as chaotic. What is meant by fundamental change in one school or district is seen as superficial somwewhere else. Even to would-be-advocates, what passes for reform is too frequently a fluidly changing river of differing goals, curricula, pedagogy and organization. With everyone pushing thier own vision of educational reform, no one has stopped to look at the "common ground.

This book is designed for the leadership of reform at the high school, disrict, and state levels; for policymakers instrumental in these reforms; and to university faculty and graduate students in education. It will be a vaulable resource in courses on leadership, administratioin, policy, curriclum and instruction, and change facilitation.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 9-12
  • ISBN: 9780803962262
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1998
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: November 17, 1998
Price: $39.95
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"A credible plan for transforming secondary education by educators already involved in pioneering the change."
Ron Brandt
Writer and Consultant, Former Executive Editor, ASCD

"Finally, a clear and practical approach for implementing genuine school improvement based on high standards. Marsh and Codding have gone beyond the rhetoric of many high school reform leaders and have addressed the needs of parents and practitioners alike. Their "collection of essays" represents a powerful and pragmatic blueprint for a new American high school. Bravo."
Robert A. Mackin, Finalist, National Principal of the Year, NASSP, and Principal Souhegan High School Amherst, New Hampshire

This book begins by focusing on where American high schools are now — based on a picture of a real, "high-performing" school. Authors share their perspectives on how high schools are lagging in preparing students for life after school.

In subsequent chapters, Marsh, Codding, and Associates paint a powerful picture of what high schools could be like. They discuss examples of reform efforts that look at classrooms, students, and outcomes in new ways.

The authors offer these proposed changes to American high schools:

  1. Student performance assessments that capture conceptual understanding, problem solving, and communication
  2. Curriculum based on student outcomes, constructivist knowledge, and school-to-career applications
  3. Learning activities that challenge students to think, solve problems, and collaborate
  4. School cultures based on enhanced learning, meaningful staff-student interactions, and ongoing professional development

If you're interested in new directions for your high school — and you want to know how to get there you need to read this guide.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Authors

Part I: Where We Are and Where We Ought to Be

1. Just Passing Through: The Life of an American High School

2. How Did We Get Here, and Where Should We Be Going?

Part II: The New American High School: A Standards-Driven Experience

3. Standards and Assessment: The Foundation of High Student Achievement

4. Rethinking Curriculum and Instruction in the New American High School

5. Standards-Based Classrooms in High Schools: An Illustration

6. Beyond the CIM: Pathways to the Future

Part III: The New American High School: A Standards-Driven System

7. A New High School Design Focused on Student Performance

8. District Redesign: Direction, Support, and Accountability for Standards-Based High Schools

9. Some Tough Choices Ahead

Epilogue: Anne's World--circa 2005


Selected Bibliography





Price: $39.95
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