Teachers Today

A Guide to Surviving Creatively
Current cultural and economic conditions can present a range of challenges to teachers, particularly when faced with the complex problems and needs of some students. Within this context, teachers must be able to meet students' educational and emotional needs, while ensuring their own personal survival. This guide uses research findings on teacher stress and `burnout' to provide support and encouragement to teachers. Suggestions offered include how to prioritize work, and how to recognize and tap administrative support.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803962293
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1995
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: September 05, 1995
Price: $26.95
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You're already a good teacher, and your students are learning and growing. But what about you? Are you achieving your full potential as an educator? Teachers Today, full of real-life experiences and first-hand knowledge, gives you the resources you need to grow and thrive in your classroom and in your career. McGrath combines hard-earned personal experience with the research of other experts to create this timely guidebook. Designed for helping, not preaching, this book shows you methods for creating caring schools and supportive faculty activities to let education professionals assist each other as well as themselves. Teachers, administrators, staff-management professionals, and education faculty will all learn valuable tools for stress management and creative coping. You'll find expert advice on such matters as: how you can live with creatively with stress, not just ignore it; how to take charge of your own self-care; what to do to stimulate your personal growth; how to build bridges and create cooperation in your work life; and how to gather emotional and intellectual support from co-workers. Continue being an effective educator--be sure to take care of yourself first! This book will help you do just that, and your students and you will share in the rewards.


Mary Zabolio McGrath photo

Mary Zabolio McGrath

Mary Zabolio McGrath taught in the Bloomington, MN, public schools for 31 years, working as a classroom teacher, a demonstration teacher with the Project Read program, and as a special education teacher in the areas of learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and developmental delay. She has served as national secretary for the Council for Behavior Disorders and on the board of the Minnesota Council for Exceptional Children.

McGrath has written articles for educators, parents, caregivers, and the general public. In addition, she has authored/coauthored books on educational subjects.

Currently McGrath works as a professional speaker, working with schools, parents, and organizations to reflect on and improve the quality of career relationships and life transitions. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and Toastmasters International.

McGrath has a doctorate from the University of Minnesota in educational administration, with collateral work in organizational communication. She earned a master's degree in educational psychology.

Table of Contents

Living with Stress Creatively

Taking Charge of Your Own Self-Care

Building Bridges, Creating Cooperation

Tips for Personal Intellectual Development

Attending to the Inner Life

Ways to Grow

Creating Flexibility, Openness, and Adaptability

Price: $26.95
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