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Survival Skills for the Principalship

A Treasure Chest of Time-Savers, Short-Cuts, and Strategies to Help You Keep a Balance in Your Life

Discover the 3 Rs of school leadership—resiliency, renewal, and reflection!

Today's principals face unique challenges—demands of time, knowledge, and organization—that take their toll on even the most flexible leader. This compilation of resources offers practical, ready-to-use solutions to the issues and dilemmas principals face every day. Inside you'll find:   

  • Highly practical strategies for strengthening your school's instructional program
  • Tips, ideas, and techniques for creating a climate of excellence
  • Ways to laugh more and bring humor to your school community
  • Proven strategies used by award-winning principals to maintain balance in their lives
  • Methods for managing the impact of stress on your performance

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761938613
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publication date: January 22, 2004
Price: $44.95
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"A great book designed to lighten the load of school administrators--filled with practical, easy to implement strategies, short-cuts, time-savers, and sample forms and letters.  A valuable reference guide for effective school leadership."
—Fran Madison-Cohee, NAESP California State Representative
Principal, White Oak Elementary, CA

"If you are looking for insight, rejuvenation, and thoughtful, practical strategies for success in your role as a school leader, look no further. John Blaydes helps us remember why we became educators, why we want to continue, and why inspirational leadership is essential to schools."
—Jane Foley, Vice President, National Educator Awards
Milken Family Foundation, Santa Monica, CA

"Clearly, Blaydes planned well as he linked the themes from one chapter to the next. It will no doubt be a valued tool for school administrators."
—Daniel P. Gaffney, Principal
Howard R. Yocum Elementary School, NJ

Discover the new 3 Rs of school leadership—resiliency, renewal, and reflection!

Today's principals face unique challenges—demands of time, knowledge, and organization that take their toll on even the most flexible leader. This compilation of resources offers practical, ready-to-use solutions to the issues and dilemmas principals face every day. You can tap into these valuable resources for years to come as a long-term support that will enable you to use your time and energy more effectively, reduce personal stress, spark new ideas and programs, and enhance your effectiveness as an inspirational school leader. Inside you'll find:

  • Highly practical strategies for strengthening your school's instructional program
  • Tips, ideas, and techniques for creating a climate of excellence in your school
  • Ways to lighten up, laugh more, and bring humor to your school community
  • Proven strategies used by award-winning principals to maintain balance in their lives
  • Methods for managing the impact of stress on your performance and renew your energy for the important work of the principalship

Learn to work smarter and discover the time to build a welcoming and purposeful learning environment—for yourself, your staff, and, ultimately, your students.

Also available from John Blaydes, Survival Skills for the Principalship CD Companion—a complement to the insightful book brimming with time-saving tips and shortcuts. CD is PC and Mac compatible. Please visit: Survival Skills for the Principalship CD Companion

Key features

The book is divided into four key Parts:

  • Inspirational Leadership
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Community Leadership
  • School Management Leadership

Each Part offers activities, surveys, sample letters, sample evaluations, strategies, quotes, and checklists that make any practitioners job easier.



John Blaydes photo

John Blaydes

John Blaydes is one of the nation foremost experts in the field of school administration.

He is an inspirational leader, author, motivational speaker, seminar leader and educational consultant. In recognition of his innovative leadership John has been honored with both the National Distinguished School Principal Award and the prestigious Milken Foundation National Educator Award. John also received the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts National School Administrator Award for his dedication to arts education and the California's School Principal Leadership Award from the California Librarians Association for his outstanding media center program.

In his role as inspirational leader he has promoted a culture of excellence at his schools. His school was twice selected as a California Distinguished School and has been honored with multiple awards for his outstanding visual and performing arts, media center and math programs. Staff awards include the National School Nurse of the Year, the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching, the California Media Center Teacher of the Year, the Sallie Mae First Year Teacher Award, the Orange County Teacher of the Year and another recipient of the Milken Foundation National Educator Award.

John has a broad array of experiences in educational leadership, having been a classroom teacher, school site principal, district office administrator and elected school board member in his community. John believes that the key to educational excellence lies in the ability of our nation's school administrators to provide their schools with inspirational leadership.

Other Books authored by John Blaydes: Enhancing Your Effectiveness As An Elementary School Principal, The Principal's Book Of Inspirational Quotes, The Educator's Book Of Inspirational Quotes
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Author


1. Blueprint for Leadership in 21st Century Schools: Matering the Changes, Challenges, and Complexities of the Principalship

Mastering the New Three R's of School Leadership

Framing the Power of the Principalship

Laying The Foundation of Your Principalship

Treasure Chest Sample #1: Dance Card Partners

Treasure Chest Sample #2: Professional Responsibilities

Holding a Grand Conversation

Mastering Resiliency

Treasure Chest Sample #3: Candy-Grams

Treasure Chest Sample #4: Parent-School Climate Questionnaire

Treasure Chest Sample #5: Assessment of Staff Morale

Treasure Chest Sample #6: Day of the Teacher Remembrance Book Parent Memo

Treasure Chest Sample #7: Sample Elementary Classroom Behavior Management Plan

Treasure Chest Sample #8: Discipline Problem-Solving Record Card

Strengthening Your Infrastructure

Putting the Home Back in Homework

Treasure Chest Sample #9: Parent Homework Brochure

Homework Survival Kit for Teachers

Treasure Chest Sample #10: Homework Survival Kit for Teachers

Treasure Chest Sample #11: Homework Alert

Treasure Chest Sample #12: Principal's Homework Letter to Parents

2. Mastering the Skills of Resiliency


The Rock of the Principalship

Survey Results - Stressors

Treasure Chest Sample #13: Stress Inventory

Tuesdays With Me

Time Management Tips From Award-Winning Principals

Building the Parent-School Partnership

Treasure Chest Sample #14: Parent Volunteer Survey Letter

Treasure Chest Sample #15: PEP Classroom Volunteer Survey

Treasure Chest Sample #16: School Volunteer Survey

Treasure Chest Sample #17: Volunteer Handbook Welcome Letter

Treasure Chest Sample #18: Parent Classroom Observation Procedures

Treasure Chest Sample #19: Parent Education Survey

Treasure Chest Sample #20: Parent Invitation to Kindergarten Orientation

Treasure Chest Sample #21: Parent Handout: Kindergarten - A Statement of Philosophy

Treasure Chest Sample #22: Parent Handout: Kindergarten Goals - What Your Child Will Learn

Treasure Chest Sample #23: Parent Handout - Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Treasure Chest Sample #24: Kindergarten Welcome Conference Agenda

Treasure Chest Sample #25: Parent Handout - Back to School Night

Creative Models - Special Needs Students

Timesavers for Referrals and Interventions

Treasure Chest Sample #26: Special Needs Interventions Inventory

Treasure Chest Sample #27: Special Needs Student Background Form

Treasure Chest Sample #28: New Parent Invitation for School Tour

Treasure Chest Sample #29: Parent Letter to Invite VIP to School Open House

Treasure Chest Sample #30: VIP Neighbor Invitation to Attend Open House

Treasure Chest Sample #31: Heroes of the Heart Award Invitation

Tips for Building Community Involvement in Your School

3. Mastering the Skills of Renewal


Tips for Keeping a Balance in Your Life From Award-Winning Principals

Tips for Bringing Humor to Your School Culture From Award-Winning Principals

Enhancing Peak Performance

Building Your Dream Team

Treasure Chest Sample #32: Professional Information Survey

Treasure Chest Sample #33: Teacher Interview Questions

Treasure Chest Sample #34: Teacher Candidate Interview Record Sheet

Treasure Chest Sample #35: Candidate Progressive Ranking Sheet

Treasure Chest Sample #36: Telephone Reference Call Form

Enhancing Peak Performance

Teacher Evaluation

Treasure Chest Sample #37: Exceptional Elementary Tenured Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #38: Excellent High School Tenured Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #39: Excellent Elementary Tenured Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #40: Average Elementary Tenured Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #41: Average High School Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #42: Outstanding Elementary First-Year Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #43: Marginal Elementary First-Year Teacher

Letters of Recommendation

Treasure Chest Sample #44: Marginal Elementary Tenured Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #45: Exceptional High School Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #46: Exceptional Elementary Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #47: Excellent High School Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #48: Average Elementary Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #49: First-Year Marginal Elementary Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #50: Substitute Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #51: Math Teacher Award

Treasure Chest Sample #52: Science Summer Institute

4. Mastering the Skills of Reflection


Touch the Wisdom Within

The M&M Game - A Culminating Learning Activity

Treasure Chest Sample #53: The Survival Skills M&M Game


Sample Letters

Treasure Chest Sample #54: Changing Classroom Assignment - New Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #55: Mid-Year Classroom Teacher Replacement

Treasure Chest Sample #56: Teacher Leaving for Maternity

Treasure Chest Sample #57: Attendance Concerns

Treasure Chest Sample #58: Follow-up Letter - Strong Concerns About Continuing Poor School Attendance

Treasure Chest Sample #59: Concerns Regarding Student Tardies

Treasure Chest Sample #60: Follow-up Letter - Strong Concerns About Continuing School Tardies

Treasure Chest Sample #61: Requesting Business Donation

Treasure Chest Sample #62: Thank-You Letter - Business Donation

Treasure Chest Sample #63: Thank-You Letter - Community Service Organization Gift

Treasure Chest Sample #64: Thank You for Positive Letter About a Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #65: Thank-You Letter - Parent Donation of Gift

Treasure Chest Sample #66: Thank-You Letter - Music Teacher

Treasure Chest Sample #67: Thank-You Letter - Teacher Presenting Inservice

Treasure Chest Sample #68: Thank-You Letter - Consultant Presenting Inservice

Treasure Chest Sample #69: Thank-You Letter - Classroom Volunteer

Treasure Chest Sample #70: Thank-You Letter - Parent Volunteer School Event

Treasure Chest Sample #71: Thank-You Letter - PTA President

Treasure Chest Sample #72: Letter of Congratulations to PTA Honorary Service Award Recipient

Treasure Chest Sample #73: Parent Letter - Classroom Volunteer Who Didn't Show Up

Treasure Chest Sample #74: Parent Letter - Congratulations on Student's Good Citizenship Award

Treasure Chest Sample #75: Student Letter - Congratulations on Election to Student Council

Treasure Chest Sample #76: Student Letter - Consolation Letter, Not Elected to Student Council

Treasure Chest Sample #77: Parent Letter - Failure to Pick Up Child After School in Time

Treasure Chest Sample #78: Parent Letter - Suspension of Disruptive Parent From Coming on Campus


Treasure Chest Sample #79: Staff Memo - Welcome Back to New School Year

Treasure Chest Sample #80: Staff Memo - Open House Expectations

Treasure Chest Sample #81: Staff Memo - Congratulations on Successful Open House

Treasure Chest Sample #82: Staff Memo - Thank You, Day of the Teacher Appreciation

Treasure Chest Sample #83: Staff Memo - Procedures for Recess Time-Out

Treasure Chest Sample #84: Staff Memo - Classified Staff Appreciation Week Thank You

Principal's Message for Parent Newsletter

Treasure Chest Sample #85: Parent Letter - Welcome Back to New School Year

Treasure Chest Sample #86: New Student Survey About Special Needs Services

Treasure Chest Sample #87: Home-School Communication - The Key to Our School's Success

Treasure Chest Sample #88: The Joy of Reading Alout at Home

Treasure Chest Sample #89: Getting to School on Time in a Safe Manner

Treasure Chest Sample #90: Taking Time for Conversation and Consistency

Treasure Chest Sample #91: Creating a Climate for Learning

Treasure Chest Sample #92: A Parent's Guide to Teenage Parties

Treasure Chest Sample #93: Just a Little Bit of Heaven

Treasure Chest Sample #94: Character Education - Teaching Our Children the Attribute of Perseverance

Treasure Chest Sample #95: Avoid Interrupting Classroom Instruction

Treasure Chest Sample #96: Celebrating Our School Year - A Special Thank You

Treasure Chest Sample #97: One Good Parent

Treasure Chest Sample #98: The Season of Joy

Treasure Chest Sample #99: Emergency Preparedness Bulletin

Treasure Chest Sample #100: Middle School Report to Parents

Treasure Chest Sample #101: Parent Survey - A School Evaluation Tool

Treasure Chest Sample #102: School Organization for Next Year

Treasure Chest Sample #103: Weh Report Cards Don't Make the Grade

Treasure Chest Sample #104: Parent Letter - Responding to Parent Request for a Specific Teacher


The Last Word

Order Form - Survival Skills for the Principalship CD




Price: $44.95
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