Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
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The School Leader's Guide to Student Learning Supports
Bring new direction to programs and policies for learning supports to address barriers to student learning!
Built on decades of research, this comprehensive guide provides case studies, resources, figures, tables, and tools for analysis and capacity building to help school leaders understand, assess, and remedy the gap between the learning supports students need and the learning supports they are currently receiving. The unparalleled initiative described in this guide has been co-sponsored by more than 20 professional associations, including:
- The American School Counselor Association
- The American School Health Association
- The National Alliance of Pupil Service Organizations
- The National Association of School Psychologists
- The National Association of Secondary School Principals
- The National Association of State Boards of Education
- And others!
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412909662
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2005
- Page Count: 408
- Publication date: July 22, 2005