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Pick and Plan

100 Brain-Compatible Strategies for Lesson Design

Build your lesson planning collection with this easy-to-use resource!

This teacher-friendly guide presents a top-notch collection of strategies to help novice and veteran teachers energize their lesson planning. In a conversational style, the author reviews the building blocks of the brain, four memory pathways, and current research, and provides a lesson planning model combined with brain-compatible approaches that make learning fun. Teachers can literally "pick and plan" instruction using:

  • A five-part model that includes an engager, frame, activity, debrief, and story or metaphor
  • 100 classroom-ready, mix-and-match strategies based upon how the brain learns and remembers new information
  • Sample lessons that demonstrate each part of the model

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412951142
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: May 11, 2007
Price: $40.95
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"If you want to energize your teaching, this is the book for you! The research-based content is full of ideas presented in a practical and user-friendly format."
—Joanne Cearbaugh, ESL Methods Instructor
Taylor University

"A wealth of knowledge and practical strategies are packed into this lesson planning book. Teachers will use this informative resource to design quality lessons to reach all learners. This one won't gather dust—it will be that dog-eared, coffee-stained, often-used volume!"
—Sandra Hess, Assistant Superintendent
Warsaw Community Schools, IN

Build your lesson planning collection with this easy-to-use resource!

Are you looking for a practical way to infuse your teaching with engaging strategies that are quickly accessible and effective? Wouldn't it be great to have a brain-based reference to help you make informed choices about lesson planning and instruction?

In Pick and Plan, Brenda Utter presents a top-notch collection of ready-to-use strategies to help novice and veteran teachers not only energize their lesson planning but also tailor classroom activities to students' individual learning styles. The author reviews the building blocks of the brain, four memory pathways, and current research, and provides brain-compatible approaches that make teaching and learning fun.

This all-in-one resource allows you to literally "pick and plan" brain-friendly instruction using:

  • A lesson planning model with five parts: engager, frame, activity, debrief, and story or metaphor
  • 100 classroom-ready, mix-and-match strategies for using mnemonic devices, graphic organizers, manipulatives, and more, based upon how the brain learns and remembers new information
  • Sample lessons that demonstrate each part of the model

Featuring research sidebars and a detailed table of contents, this indispensable text will help transform your teaching experience with its easy-to-implement daily lesson planning strategies.

Key features

  • 100 classroom-ready lesson plans based upon how the brain learns and remembers new information
  • Includes an overview of the building blocks of the brain, four memory pathways, and what the research says
  • Sample lessons demonstrate a five-part lesson planning model in action: engager, frame, activity, debrief, and story/metaphor
  • Research sidebars and lively discourse make the book a teacher-friendly resource for beginning or veteran teachers 


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Author

Part I. At the Beginning

1. The Building Blocks of the Brain: How We Learn

Brain Functions

Memory Pathways

Part II. The Lesson Plan

2. Engager

Strategy 1. Interview: Man on the Street

Strategy 2. Who am I?

Strategy 3. Reporter Relay

Strategy 4. Do You Know Your Neighbor

Strategy 5. Corners

Strategy 6. Fishbowl Discussion

Strategy 7. Fill 'er Up

Strategy 8. Word Play

Strategy 9. Scavenger Hunt

Strategy 10. Dialogue Circles

Strategy 11. What's Missing

Strategy 12. Mystery Box

Strategy 13. Crossed Wires: Telephone With a Twist

Strategy 14. Collaborative Stories

Strategy 15. To Tell the Truth

Strategy 16. Quick Draw

Strategy 17. Categories

Strategy 18. Life Boat

Strategy 19. Hot Potato With a Twist

Strategy 20. Two Truths and a Lie

3. Frame

4. Activity

Strategy 21. Writing

Strategy 22. Mnemonic Devices

Strategy 23. Peer Discussion/Peer Teaching

Strategy 24. Graphic Organizers

Strategy 25. Storytelling

Strategy 26. Guest Speaker

Strategy 27. Movement

Strategy 28. Role Play

Strategy 29. Celebrations

Strategy 30. Debate

Strategy 31. Music

Strategy 32. Reading Strategies

Strategy 33. Field Trips

Strategy 34. Discovery Learning

Strategy 35. Cooperative Learning

Strategy 36. Rituals

Strategy 37. Novelty

Strategy 38. Art and Creativity

Strategy 39. Scaffolding

Strategy 40. Manipulatives/Models

5. Debrief

Strategy 41. Up!

Strategy 42. Board Races

Strategy 43. Hot Potato With a Twist

Strategy 44. Seven Up With a Splash

Strategy 45. Jeopardy

Strategy 46. Bingo

Strategy 47. Cartoons

Strategy 48. Each One, Teach Three

Strategy 49. Schema Mapping

Strategy 50. Turn to Your Neighbor

Strategy 51. Interview the Expert

Strategy 52. Alphabet Summaries

Strategy 53. Bumper Stickers

Strategy 54. Newsbreak!

Strategy 55. Top Ten

Strategy 56. Hot Dog

Strategy 57. Give Them the Finger

Strategy 58. Circle Stories

Strategy 59. Concentration

Strategy 60. Flyswatter

6. Metaphor and Story

7. How to Mix a Group

Strategy 61. Playing Cards: Color (Two Groups)

Strategy 62. Playing Cards: Suit (Four Groups)

Strategy 63. Playing Cards: Number

Strategy 64. Playing Cards: Number and Color

Strategy 65. Birthday Line-up

Strategy 66. Birthday Week

Strategy 67. Numbered Craft Sticks

Strategy 68. Color of Clothing

Strategy 69. Volunteers

Strategy 70. Physical Attributes

Strategy 71. Hobbies

Strategy 72. Collections

Strategy 73. Last Number of Phone Number

Strategy 74. Last Letter of Name

Strategy 75. Four Corners

Strategy 76. Picture Match

Strategy 77. Proverbs

Strategy 78. Opposites

Strategy 79. Synonyms

Strategy 80. Categories

8. Breaks/Energizers

Strategy 81. Foot/Arm Spin

Strategy 82. Same/Different Pictures

Strategy 83. Indoor Volleyball

Strategy 84. Name Game

Strategy 85. Isometrics

Strategy 86. Simon Says

Strategy 87. Hand Slap

Strategy 88. Jumping Jacks

Strategy 89. Criss-Cross

Strategy 90. Follow the Leader

Strategy 91. Line Dancing

Strategy 92. Stretching

Strategy 93. Toss Across

Strategy 94. Juggling

Strategy 95. Jacks

Strategy 96. Gotcha!

Strategy 97. Rhythm

Strategy 98. Kick the Can: Desk Style

Strategy 99. Silent Ball

Strategy 100. Have a Ball!

Appendix A. Lesson Plan Samples

Appendix B. Elements of Activities





Price: $40.95
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