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Memory 101 for Educators

You can always remember if you N.E.V.E.R. F.O.R.G.E.T.!

Have you ever forgotten what someone just told you? Have your students ever forgotten to take their assignments home with them? Then this book is for you! Memory expert Marilee Sprenger uses the latest research on learning, memory, and the brain to weave an enchanting and delightful storyteller's spell that will strengthen your memory, train your brain, and help your students to do the same. Inside you will find:

  • Proven tips and strategies
  • Mnemonics
  • Graphic organizers
  • Questionnaires and checklists

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412927734
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: June 21, 2006
Price: $32.95
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"Fresh and inventive."
-Steven Wyborney, Teacher
Nyssa Elementary School, OR

"Readable, academically accurate, and creative."
-Burt Saxon, AP Psychology Teacher
Hillhouse High School, New Haven, CT

"Practitioners can use the information easily and effectively."
-Carrie Jane Carpenter, Teacher
Hugh Hartman Middle School, Redmond, OR

You can always remember if you N.E.V.E.R. F.O.R.G.E.T.!

Have you ever forgotten what someone just told you? Have your students ever forgotten to take their books and assignments home with them? Then this book is for you! Memory expert Marilee Sprenger uses the latest research on learning, memory, and the brain to weave a storyteller's spell using two parallel parables: one is a tale of adult educators in a Memory 101 workshop, and the other is a story for the child within us all that includes magical talking elephants, lions, and jungle creatures.

Inside, each chapter provides a specific technique to enhance your memory. You will also find:

  • Proven tips and strategies
  • The latest memory research
  • Graphic organizers and mnemonics
  • Questionnaires and checklists

With this uniquely entertaining and generously illustrated guide, you can learn to strengthen your memory, train your brain, and help your students to do the same.

Key features

  • Memory expert Marilee Sprenger uses two interwoven stories to entertain while she educates readers about how to strengthen memory.
  • Includes mnemonics, questionnaires, graphic organizers, illustrations, and "train your brain" activities for educators and for learners.
  • Based on the latest research on learning, memory, and the brain.


Marilee B. Sprenger photo

Marilee B. Sprenger

Marilee Sprenger is an adjunct professor at Aurora University, where she teaches graduate courses on brain-based teaching, learning and memory, and differentiation. A creative and compassionate educator, she began her career teaching prekindergarten and kindergarten. She has also taught at the elementary, middle, and high school level. As an independent consultant, her passion is brain-based teaching and best practices using brain research and differentiation. She also consults in the areas of learning styles, using music in the classroom, teaming, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, and memory. As an educational consultant with Two Rivers Professional Development Center, she worked for the Illinois Regional Offices of Education in the area of staff development associated with learning standards and testing. She speaks internationally, and her interactive and engaging style allows participants to make connections with their classrooms and their students. She is affiliated with the American Academy of Neurology and is constantly updated on current research. Sprenger is the author of several books, including Memory 101 for Educators and Becoming a Wiz at Brain-Based Teaching, Second Edition, published by Corwin Press. She has contributed to textbooks, and her articles have appeared in publications such as Educational Leadership and the ASCD Brain-based Education/Learning Styles Networker. Her dedication to education has won her many awards, but she cherishes most the wonderful students and teachers whose lives have touched hers.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents




About the Author

1. Memory 101: Who Took My Memory?

2. N= Notice: Intention Increases Retention

3. E= Emote: Emotion is the Potion

4. V= Visualize: A Picture in Your Mind Creates a Memory You Can Find

5. E=Exercise and Eat Right: Body and Brain are Yours to Train

6. R= Rest: Memories Go Deep When You Get Enough Sleep

7. F= Free Yourself of Stress: Lower Stress for Memory Success

8. O= Organization: Put Information in its Place for a Strong Memory Trace

9. R= Rehearse: Rehearsal’s a Way to Help Memories Stay

10. G= Guard Your Brain: Avoid Some Pain. Protect Your Brain!

11. E= Enrich Your Brain: New Directions Create New Connections

12. T= Teach: Share What You Know and Feel Memories Grow

13. The Reunion





Price: $32.95
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