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From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement

45 Classroom Management Strategies

Today’s culturally diverse classrooms respond poorly to discipline-focused management. This book’s diagnostic exercises and 45 ready-to-implement strategies for culturally responsive engagement will benefit any forward-thinking educator.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452285214
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: June 05, 2013
Price: $40.95
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The forward-thinking techniques you need to manage today’s diverse classrooms

A well-managed classroom is a successful one. But as cultural diversity increases in schools, old classroom management strategies are growing ineffective—or even counterproductive. In a comprehensive, practical guide, Laura E. Pinto details why today’s classrooms are best managed by valuing culturally responsive engagement and what teachers must do for their classrooms to flourish in this new reality.

Drawing from extensive research, Pinto outlines action steps for teachers to critically reflect on their management style, then implement changes to supercharge the learning experience for students of all cultural backgrounds. The book includes:

  • Keys to developing the cultural fluency necessary to prepare students from all backgrounds for success
  • Exercises for teachers to reflect deeply on how they manage their classrooms and to identify areas for improvement
  • 45 easy strategies—including many that support the Common Core—for boosting engagement and cultural responsiveness in the classroom

Readable and compelling, From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement is essential for any educator ready to adapt to the changing face of classrooms.

“The book creates a type of neural pathway between classroom management and the nature of relationship-building that is grounded by culturally responsive practice. Incorporating the relationship and significance of the common core only adds to the development of teacher capacity and efficacy development."
—Deborah Childs-Bowen, Chief Learning Officer
Alliance for Leadership in Education, Atlanta, GA

Key features

  • Explains the differences between classroom management styles that are discipline, reward and routine , and engagement focused and provides teachers with reflective tools for assessing their own classroom management style and setting their own related professional development goals
  • Provides examples of many different teachers' experiences in creating culturally responsive learning environments and negotiating their way to better classroom management for diverse student populations
  • Includes process diagrams that offer guidance on how to critique cultural beliefs and practices
  • Explains how each classroom management strategy measures up when assessed against discipline and engagement criteria and connects the strategies to the Common Core State Standards
  • Provides instructions for how each strategy works and templates and reproducibles for immediate classroom use
  • Includes a Professional Learning Community Guide with sample meeting structure formats for teachers who are working collaboratively to assess their classroom management approaches


Laura E. Pinto photo

Laura E. Pinto

Learn more about Laura Pinto's PD offerings

Consulting Description: Common Core
Consulting Description: Classroom Management

Award-winning researcher and educator Dr. Laura Elizabeth Pinto is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty, Department of Theory & Policy Studies in Education, University of Toronto. She has been teaching in faculties of education for the past decade, and working with new and seasoned members of the teaching profession with an eye to applying evidence and promising practices to their work. Dr. Pinto began her career as a school teacher, which led her to write curriculum policy for the government of Ontario. Before long, she became a policy analyst and policy manager prior to commencing her doctoral studies. She is also a Past President of the Ontario Business Educators’ Association. She received the prestigious Canadian Governor General’s Gold Medal in 2009 for her research, as well as the Odyssey Award, among other honors. She has received and been involved in large-scale research supported by sought-after Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council grants, for a decade. Dr. Pinto co-authored three Canadian textbooks and related teachers’ guides: Insights (Irwin), Business Technology Today (Nelson), and Business Connections (Prentice-Hall) and authored Curriculum Reform in Ontario: ‘Common Sense’ Policy Processes and Democratic Possibilities (University of Toronto Press). She has authored and co-authored dozens of articles in academic and professional journals. She has co-written provincial curriculum policy, and continues to provide advice to various governments on matters of education policy. She regularly delivers papers and workshops at scholarly and professional conferences both locally and internationally. Dr. Pinto is deeply committed to democracy in education, and education for critical-democracy, and is particularly interested in the role of politics, policy production, and critical thinking to democracy.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

PART 1: Foundations of Classroom Management and Culturally Responsive Practice

1. Revising Classroom Management With Fresh Eyes

2. Cultural Responsiveness as Key to Classroom Management

3. The Classroom Management Spectrum

PART 2: 45 Practical Strategies for Classroom Management

4. Comfortable Learning Cribs: The Physical Environment and Routines

5. Here’s the Deal…Laying Out Expectations and Rules

6. Excuse Me? Strategies for Immediate Actions in Response to Students

7. Let’s See What You’ve Been Up To: Tracking Student Behavior

8. Pay It Forward: Rewards Systems in Your Classroom

9. Welcome Mom and Dad: Enhancing Parent-Teacher Collaboration and Communication

10. What’s the Buzz? Student-Teacher and Class-Teacher Communication

11. Everybody In! Strategies for Group Communication and Engaged Learning

PART 3: Professional Learning Communities

12. Professional Learning Community Guide to Culturally Responsive Classroom Management





Price: $40.95
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