The Exceptional Teacher's Handbook
By: Carla F. Shelton, Alice B. Pollingue
This revised, updated edition of a bestseller includes planning checklists, ready-to-use forms, and best practices to help special educators successfully navigate their first year.
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412969147
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2009
- Page Count: 240
- Publication date: March 18, 2009
Review Copies
"What an excellent resource for the beginning teacher! Practical, down-to-earth resources that can be implemented the first day of school!"
—Kristle F. Evans, Director of Human Resources/Community Relations
Lampeter-Strasburg School District, PA
"The book is organized logically and flows well from the first chapter to the last. It helps teachers manage an effective special education classroom the entire school year. This book should be a required resource for every new special education teacher."
—Phyllis N. Levert, School Administrator
Georgia School Districts, Atlanta, GA
Specific guidelines and strategies to help special educators navigate their first year!
The first year in the career of a special education teacher is filled with expectation and promise. Revised to address the most common needs of beginning special education teachers, the third edition of The Exceptional Teacher's Handbook helps new educators move confidently from preplanning to post-planning for the entire school year.
The authors present a step-by-step management approach complete with planning checklists and other ready-to-use forms within the context of IDEA 2004 and NCLB. Written from the perspective of a classroom teacher, this popular reference offers updates on:
- Recognized disabilities
- Best instructional practices for getting the most out of your students
- Successful parent conferences
- Effective plans for professional learning
- Alternate assessments, emergencies in the school setting, education terminology, and more
Actively address challenges and concerns with this one-stop handbook that will help smooth the transition from student teacher to professional educator.

Carla F. Shelton
Carla F. Shelton has 11 years of teaching experience in the special education profession. She has taught students with disabilities in Grades 2–12 in resource, self-contained, and inclusion settings. Shelton is certified in the areas of specific learning disabilities, emotional/behavior disorders, mildly intellectual disabilities, elementary grades (P-8), school counseling (P-12), and educational leadership and supervision. She has served as a high school counselor for the past five years, working with students in Grades 9–12. Shelton is the author of Best Practices for Secondary School Counselors.
Shelton is knowledgeable in instructional techniques and best classroom practices that promote and foster student learning. She is skilled in designing and implementing strategies to assist students with disabilities in meeting academic and behavior goals and objectives, to bridge the gap between school and parents, and to assist students with the transition process from school-to-school and to postsecondary endeavors. Shelton has mastered the art of collaboration with regular education teachers and staff and works effectively with families of students with disabilities. She has presented at the High Schools That Work Summer Conference, the National Tech Prep Conference, the Georgia School Counselor Conference, and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference. Shelton’s professional affiliations include the American School Counselor Association, Georgia School Counselor Association, National Tech Prep Network, and Professional Association of Georgia Educators. Finally, Shelton’s solid education background and broad-based educational experience is the foundation on which The Exceptional Teacher’s Handbook is built.

Alice B. Pollingue
Table of Contents
About the Authors
1. Preparing for a Successful School Year
Strategy 1: Get to Know Your School
Strategy 2: Allocate Time for Reflecting
Strategy 3: Locate a Mentor Teacher
Strategy 4: Identify Essential Tasks
Strategy 5: Orientate Assigned Paraprofessionals
Strategy 6: Establish a Communication System
Form 1.1. Get to Know Your School Checklist
Form 1.2. Preplanning Checklist
Form 1.3. Monthly Planning Checklist
Form 1.4. Postplanning Checklist
Form 1.5. Correspondence Log
Form 1.6. Student Emergency Information
Form 1.7. Noninstructional Classroom Supply Checklist
Form 1.8. Instructional Classroom Supply Checklist
Form 1.9. Classroom Inventory Checklist
Form 1.10. Paraprofessional's Classroom Responsibilties Checklist
Form 1.11. Student Service Information
Form 1.12. Present Levels of Performance
Form 1.13. Self-Evaluation Instrument for the Special Education Teacher
Resource 1.1. Suggestions for Working With a Paraprofessional
Resource 1.2. Web Sites for Parents and Students
Resource 1.3. Assistive Technology Information
2. Understanding Students With Disabilities
Strategy 1: Review Student Information
Strategy 2: Conduct Student Surveys and Inventories
Strategy 3: Review Recognized Disabilities in IDEA
Form 2.1. Student Folder Checklist
Form 2.2. Student Profile
Form 2.3. Student Academic Inventory
Form 2.4. Student Learning Styles Survey
Form 2.5. Student Interest Survey
3. Placing Students in the Least Restrictive Environment
Section 1: Review of Service Delivery Models
Section 2: The Placement Decision
Section 3: Classroom Accommodations and Modifications
Section 4: Monitoring Students in the General Education Setting
Section 5: Tips for the Regular Education Teacher
Form 3.1. Selecting the Least Restrictive Environment Checklist
Form 3.2. Teacher Summary Report
Form 3.3. Classroom Adaptations
Form 3.4. Classroom Adaptation Evaluation
Form 3.5. Student's Materials List
Form 3.6A. Teacher Directions for Completing Student Monitor Forms
Form 3.6B. Student Monitor Form
Form 3.7. Student Monitor Results Summary
Form 3.8. Individual Student Progress Report Summary
Form 3.9. Individual Student Final Grade Summary
Resource 3.1. Defining Accommodations and Modifications
Resource 3.2. Suggestions for Tests Adaptions
4. Managing the Classroom
Step 1: Review the School's Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Student and Teacher Expectations
Step 2: Ensure the Physical Arrangement and Decor of the Classroom Is Inviting and Conducive to Learning
Step 3: Ensure the Classroom Climate Is Supportive and Reflects a Sense of Mutual Respect Between Teacher and Students
Step 4: Communicate All Expectations for Students' Academic Performance and Behaviors in the Classroom
Step 5: Develop Classroom Policies and Procedures That Clearly Regulate All Activities
Form 4.1. Daily Point System
Form 4.2. Behavior Contract
Form 4.3. Student Progress Report
Form 4.4. Classroom Policies and Procedures Checklist
Form 4.5. Classroom Management Plan Evaluation
Resource 4.1. Tips for Classroom Arrangement
Resource 4.2. Bulletin Boards Guidelines and Information
Resource 4.3. Tips for Communicating With Students and Parents
Resource 4.4. Tips for Developing Classroom Rules and Consequences
Resource 4.5. Tips for Developing Behavior Modification Plans
5. Teaching All Students
Section 1: Preparing for Instruction
Section 2: Planning and Implementing Effective Lesson Plans
Section 3: Instructional Strategies for All Students
Section 4: Evaluating Student Progress
Form 5.1. IEP Goals and Objectives Checklist
Form 5.2. Classroom Teacher's Instructional Materials List
Form 5.3. Class Schedule
Form 5.4. Weekly Lesson Plan
Resource 5.1. Guide to Locating Instructional Materials
Resource 5.2. Technology-Connected Lesson Plan Form
6. Preparing for a Successful Parent Conference
Form 6.1. Essential Tasks for All Parent-Teacher Conferences
Form 6.2. Essential Information for the Progress Report Conference
Form 6.3. Essential Information for the Problem-Solving Conference
Form 6.4. Conference Notification
Form 6.5. Conference Reminder
Form 6.6. Conference Minutes
Form 6.7. Conference Summary
Resource 6.1. Teacher Guidelines for Parent Conferences
Resource 6.2. Parent Tips for Conference Preparation
Resource 6.3. Dealing With the Anger of Parents
7. Understanding Education Assessments
Section 1: Review Basic Test and Measurement Information
Section 2: Understand the Levels of Educational Assessments in Schools
Section 3: Know the Current IDEA Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Assessing Students With Disabilities
Section 4: Review of Alternate Assessments
Section 5: Review of Appropriate Assessment Accommodations
Form 7.1. Test Administration Checklist
Resource 7.1. Educational Assessments
Resource 7.2. Possible Accommodations for Students With Disabilities
Resource 7.3. Formative and Summative Assessments
8. Writing a Legal and Effective Individualized Education Program
Section 1: The Legal Requirements of an IEP
Section 2: Understanding the Components of an IEP
Section 3: Involving Students and Parents in the IEP Process
Form 8.1. Essential Information for the Annual IEP
Resource 8.1. Four Pillars of NCLB
Resource 8.2. IEP Reference Materials
9. Preparing Students for Transition
Strategy 1: Understanding the Legal Aspects of Transition
Strategy 2: Prepare Students for Movement to a New School
Strategy 3: Prepare Students for Post-School Endeavors
Form 9.1. High School 4-Year Plan
Form 9.2. Unit of Credit Checklist
Form 9.3. Work-Based Student Evaluation
Form 9.4. Student's Critique of Job Site
Resource 9.1. Students With Disabilities Preparing for Post secondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
Resource 9.2. Work Behavior Training Strategies for Vocational Training With Students With Disabilities
Resource 9.3. Job Accommodations for People With Mental Retardation (MR) or Other Developmental Disabilities (DD)
10. Preparing a Plan for Professional Learning
Strategy 1: Formulate a Professional Learning Plan
Strategy 2: Develop a Professional Portfolio
Strategy 3: Join a Professional Organization
Strategy 4: Read Professional Organization
Strategy 5: Enroll in Advanced College Courses or Professional Learning Classes
Strategy 6: Participate in a Professional Learning Community
Form 10.1. Professional Development Plan
Form 10.2. Portfolio Format for the Professional Educator
Form 10.3. Conference Planning Guide
Resource 10.1. The Special Education Teacher's Guide to Professional Organizations
Resource 10.2. The Special Education Teacher's Guide to Professional Periodicals
Resource 10.3. The Special Education Teacher's Guide to Professional Books
Resource 10.4. Web Sites for Special Education Teachers
Resource A: Emergencies in the School Setting
Section 1: Physical Health Issues of Students
Section 2: Mental Health Issues of Students
Section 3: Review of Natural Disasters
Section 4: Acts of Violence
Form A.1. Medical History
Form A.2. Emergency Medical Plan
Form A.3. Medical Incident Report
Form A.4. Medical Incident Log
Resource A.1. Classroom "Go-Kit" Supplies
Resource A.2. Recommended First Aid Supplies
Resource B: Stress Management for the First-Year Teacher
Resource B.1. Tips for Stress Management
Resource C: Support Organizations for Students
Resource D: Guide to Locating Instructional Materials
Resource E: Education Terminology
"What an excellent resource for the beginning teacher! Practical, down-to-earth resources that can be implemented the first day of school!"Kristle F. Evans, Director of Human Resources/Community Relations
Lampeter-Strasburg School District, PA
"The book is organized logically and flows well from the first chapter to the last. It helps teachers manage an effective special education classroom, from pre-planning through post-planning, the entire school year. This book should be a required resource for every new special education teacher."Phyllis N. Levert, School Administrator
Georgia School Districts, Atlanta, GA