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Engaging the Disengaged

How Schools Can Help Struggling Students Succeed

Create an integrated system of support for struggling students!

This resource helps educators make positive connections with students of all ages who are at risk of failing or dropping out. Featuring the voices of educators and students, this invaluable text covers methods for improving the schoolwide climate in ways that support all students and for creating a learning environment that promotes academic, personal, and social growth. The book illustrates how to make meaningful changes in curriculum and instruction and examines the importance of:

  • Teacher-student relationships
  • Innovative teaching strategies for struggling learners
  • Developing self-directed learners
  • Using appropriate assessments for students with learning difficulties

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412949996
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 304
  • Publication date: October 19, 2007
Price: $45.95
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"An inspiring book! Easton's clear, compelling writing is made more vivid by the wonderful real-life examples."
—Dennis Sparks, Emeritus Executive Director
National Staff Development Council

"Principals—particularly secondary school principals—should find this book and Easton's earlier work to be all the basic resources required. It is comprehensive and deals with the critical issues of the day."
—Richard W. Clark, Executive Vice President
Institute for Educational Inquiry

Create an integrated system of support for struggling students!

Based on Lois Brown Easton's experience working with disengaged learners, this insightful resource helps educators make positive connections with youngsters of all ages who are at risk of failing or dropping out. Featuring the voices of educators and students, this invaluable text covers methods for improving the schoolwide climate in ways that support all students and for creating a learning environment that promotes academic, personal, and social growth. The author illustrates how to make meaningful changes in curriculum and instruction and examines the importance of:

  • Teacher-student relationships
  • Innovative teaching strategies for struggling learners
  • Developing self-directed learners
  • Using appropriate assessments for students with learning difficulties

Easton's book inspires teachers to make a significant change in their school's culture to engage developing minds and champion all learners, regardless of socioeconomic factors.

Key features

  • Ideas can be adapted for any type of environment
  • Full of student voices
  • "So What" and "Now What" sections in each chapter help readers translate the ideas into practice


Lois Brown Easton photo

Lois Brown Easton

Lois Brown Easton works as a consultant, coach, and author. She is particularly interested in learning designs for adults and for students. She recently retired as director of professional development at Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center, Estes Park, Colorado. A project of the American Honda Education Corporation, Eagle Rock School is a year-round, tuition-free, residential high school for students who have not experienced success in traditional academic settings. The school provides educators who visit the Professional Development Center with experiences in innovative education.

As director, Easton designed and administered the professional development program for preservice and student teachers; practicing teachers and administrators; university and college students, both graduate and undergraduate; and researchers. She designed and administered an internship program for twelve young educators each year and an alternative licensure program accredited by the Colorado Department of Education.

Easton was director of Re:Learning Systems at the Education Commission of the States (ECS) from 1992 to 1994. Re:Learning was a partnership between the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and ECS. The Coalition focuses on school-level restructuring based on the research on American high schools that Dr. Ted Sizer and others performed in the 1980s. ECS, an interstate compact that works with state policy makers to improve the quality of education throughout the country, partnered with CES in Re:Learning to orient reform efforts from “schoolhouse to statehouse” and to effect reform systemwide. Easton was director of the systemic side of the reform.

Prior to that, Easton served in the Arizona Department of Education as English/Language Arts Coordinator, establishing the role in the School Improvement Unit and directing the development of the Language Arts Essential Skills, the state’s first standards-based curriculum framework. She became Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and then, as Director of Curriculum and Assessment Planning, designed and implemented the Arizona Student Assessment Program (ASAP), which focused on systemic reform on the basis of curriculum standards aligned with state performance assessments. A middle school English teacher for 15 years, Easton earned her PhD at the University of Arizona. Her dissertation was a policy analysis of the ASAP. She has held state and national offices, particularly in language arts organizations. She was President of the Arizona English Teachers Association and was elected to the Secondary Steering Committee of the National Council of Teachers of English. She was cochair of the 2001 Conference of the National Staff Development Council in Denver. Easton has been a frequent presenter at conferences and a contributor to educational journals. Her book The Other Side of Curriculum: Lessons From Learners was published in 2001. She is editor of and contributor to Powerful Designs for Professional Learning, which was published in 2004.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

Section 1. Improving the Culture for Struggling Students

1. From a Testing to a Learning Culture: "What About Test Scores?"

2. Relationships Are as Important as Content: "What Do You Mean, Build Relationships? My Job Is to Teach History."

3. Intentional Learning Communities Foster Learning: "What's Community Got to Do With Learning?"

4. How Principles Govern a School Better Than Rules: "So, What About Discipline?"

5. A Democratic School Helps Students Learn: "What's Democratic About Schools?"

Section 2. Improving Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for Struggling Students

6. Developing Curriculum According to the Right Standards: "What About Standards?"

7. Innovative Instructional Strategies Help Students Learn: "How Do You Get Them to Learn?"

8. Learning From Assessing Learning: "How Do You Know They've Learned?"

Conclusion: The Importance of Looking at the Student as a Whole Person

Resources: Part A. About Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center

Resources: Part B. Test Score Data From Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center





Price: $45.95
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