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Creating Active Thinkers

9 Strategies for a Thoughtful Classroom
Second Edition
By: Anne J. Udall, Joan E. Daniels
Formerly published by Zephyr Press

Covers nine strategies for developing students' critical thinking skills and provides sample scenarios, discussions of possible problems to avoid, and suggestions for implementation.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781569761489
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2001
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: December 01, 2001
Price: $39.95
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Formerly published by Zephyr Press

Transform your students into complex, critical thinkers ready to meet the challenges of the future.

This resource provides teachers with nine strategies that can be integrated into existing lessons and curricula. Each strategy comes with sample scenarios, a discussion of possible problems to avoid, and suggestions for implementation.



Anne J. Udall photo

Anne J. Udall

Anne J. Udall is the executive director of the Lee Institute, an organization that aims to build collaborative leadership, and has worked as a teacher and assistant superintendent.
Joan E. Daniels photo

Joan E. Daniels

Joan E. Daniels has taught in desegregated magnet schools, playing an integral part in developing challenging programs for a culturally diverse student body.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



1. Creating the Thoughtful Classroom: Taking the Ultimate Journey

2. Teaching Thinking: The Concerns of the Tour Guide

3. Quiet in the Back Seat: Just Pass Me the Map

4. The Thoughtful Classroom: Packing for the Journey

5. Infusing Thinking into Your Curriculum: Beginning the Journey

6. Tour Guide Job Description: Nine Teacher Strategies in the Thoughtful Classroom

7. The Companions on the Journey: Nine Student Behaviors in the Thoughtful Classroom

8. Evaluating the Thoughtful Classroom: Reflecting on the Ultimate Journey


Appendix A: Valuable Resources

Appendix B: Types of Questions Used in the Socratic Method

Appendix C: Evaluation Forms



Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

This book is not available as a review copy.