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Being an Effective Mentor

How to Help Beginning Teachers Succeed
Second Edition
By: Kathleen Feeney Jonson

Strengthen your mentoring skills to significantly impact a new teacher's career!

Written by a mentoring expert, this updated edition of the bestseller strengthens mentors' skills for helping novice teachers succeed through strategies such as positive observation and feedback, informal communication, and effective role modeling. The author examines the components of successful mentoring programs and provides guidelines for establishing mentoring initiatives. This second edition offers new information on:

  • Stages of teacher development
  • Professional growth for long-term teaching success
  • Assessment of student work
  • Working with difficult mentees
  • The role of mentors within teacher induction programs

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412940627
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: April 17, 2008
Price: $40.95
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Strengthen your mentoring skills to significantly impact a new teacher's career!

A skilled mentor can make a major difference in helping novice teachers succeed and thrive during that all-important first year. This updated edition of the best-selling book, Being an Effective Mentor strengthens practicing mentors' skills with updated strategies to help protégés develop confidence and expertise as teachers.

Educator and mentoring expert Kathleen Feeney Jonson identifies the skills and experiences that nurture beginning teachers and provides specific, research-based techniques for mentors, such as demonstration teaching, positive observation and feedback, informal communication, role modeling, and providing direct assistance. Readers will find guidance for using reflections to promote discovery, an action plan for professional development, and month-by-month mentoring activities for building productive mentor/mentee relationships and promoting best teaching practices.

This second edition demonstrates how to help new instructors improve instructional, interpersonal, and coping skills; examines the components of successful mentoring initiatives; and offers new information on:

  • The stages of teacher needs and development
  • Professional growth for long-term teaching success
  • Assessment of student work
  • Working with difficult mentees
  • The role of mentors within teacher induction programs

This straightforward resource helps mentors guide beginning teachers on a rewarding and satisfying path of careerlong development and offers invaluable assistance for administrators who plan to establish a mentoring program or revitalize an existing one.

Key features



Kathleen Feeney Jonson photo

Kathleen Feeney Jonson

In her 40 years as an educator, Kathleen Feeney Jonson, Professor Emeritus, has been a teacher, taught director of staff development, principal, director of curriculum and instruction, and university faculty. She conducted numerous workshops for teachers and administrators on such topics as reading comprehension strategies, writing process, portfolio assessment, peer coaching, and beginning teacher assistance programs. Until her retirement in summer 2009, Jonson was professor of education and coordinator of the Master in Arts in Teaching Reading program at the University of San Francisco's School of Education. She published three books with Corwin Press, including The New Elementary Teacher's Handbook (1st edition 1997, 2nd edition 2001), Being an Effective Mentor: How to Help Beginning Teachers Succeed (1st edition 2002, 2nd edition 2007), and 60 Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension in Grades K–8 (2006).

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition


About the Author

Part I. Setting the Stage for the Teacher-Mentor

1. Passing the Torch

2. Set up for Success

3. Remembering the First Days

4. Beyond Survival

5. Moving Toward Professionalism

Part II. Effective Strategies for the Good Mentor

6. Working as a Partner With the Adult Learner

7. Stages in Teacher Development

8. Practical Strategies for Assisting New Teachers

9. Overcoming Obstacles and Reaping the Rewards

Part III. Putting It All Together

Month-by-Month Mentoring Activities

Year-at-a-Glance Checklist

Appendix A: First-Day Checklist

Appendix B: Mentor-Mentee Action Plans

Appendix C: Supervisory Beliefs Inventory





Other Titles in: Mentoring | Teacher Induction

Price: $40.95
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