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Thinking and Acting Like a Solution-Focused School Counselor

Learn how to emphasize students' strengths to help them resolve problems!

This concise guide provides the knowledge and skills needed to establish collaborative student relationships, identify student skills and abilities, and help students reframe problems into attainable goals. Emphasizing practice and feedback, the author includes actual session transcripts to help new and less-experienced school counselors apply concepts directly to their own practice. Benefits of this book include: 

  • A reflective, meaning-making model as a basis for effective school counseling
  • An introduction to the fundamental principles of solution-focused counseling
  • Clinical illustrations of solution identification and implementation strategies
  • In-depth case studies and guided practice exercises

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412966450
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: November 23, 2012
Price: $34.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.



"This should be a required text for a school counseling degree."
—Jill R. Boyd, Counselor and Olweus Bullying Prevention Trainer
John Bullen Middle School, Kenosha, WI

"The author knows solution-focused counseling inside and out. He describes in excellent detail how to use this technique with multiple problems and multiple ages. The examples are spot on."
—Cynthia Knowles, Prevention Specialist
Livonia Central School District, NY

Learn how to emphasize students' strengths to help them resolve problems!

This book helps new and experienced school counselors engage with students using a solution-focused approach that stresses cooperation and highlights positive attributes to facilitate goal achievement.

Thinking and Acting Like a Solution-Focused School Counselor provides the background and expertise needed to establish collaborative student relationships, identify student skills and abilities, and reframe problems into attainable goals. Emphasizing practice and feedback, the author includes actual session transcripts to help new and less-experienced counselors apply concepts directly to their own practice. Benefits of this book include:

  • A reflective, meaning-making model as a basis for effective school counseling
  • An introduction to the fundamental principles of solution-focused counseling
  • Clinical illustrations of solution identification and implementation strategies
  • In-depth case studies and guided practice exercises

Like the companion books on behavioral, cognitive, and eclectic school counseling, this concise guide offers the knowledge and skills necessary to help troubled students in need of encouragement and hope.

Key features

Practice and feedback are central to this text. Case illustrations, case presentations with analyses of counselor actions, and the decision making processes underlying them, along with guided practice activities are used as 'teaching tools' throughout. The book is organized around the following sections:

  • Thinking and acting like an expert
  • Core constructs of cognitive counseling
  • Clinical illustrations of intervention strategies
  • In depth case verbatim (with "counselor thinking" superimposed )
  • Guided practice exercises to assist the reader in thinking and acting like an expert


Richard D. Parsons photo

Richard D. Parsons

Richard D. Parsons, Ph.D. is a Full Professor in the Counselor Education Department at West Chester University. Dr. Parsons has over 45 years of university teaching in counselor preparation programs. Prior to his University teaching Dr. Parsons spent 9 years as a school counselor in an inner-city high school.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

Introduction to Book Series

Part I. Solution Focus: A Model Guiding Reflective Practice

1. The School Counselor as Reflective Practitioner

2. The Fundamentals of a Solution-Focused Organizational Framework

Part II. Solution-Focused Discourse and the Strategies Employed

3. Highlighting the Possibility and Process of Change

4. Solutions Identification and Implementation

5. Identifying and Implementing Goal Attainment Strategies

Part III. From the Eyes of the Solution-Focused Expert

6. Solution-Focused School Counselor: Reflection In and On Practice

7. Practice in Procedural Thinking





Other Titles in: School Counseling

Price: $34.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.