Susan Udelhofen
Susan Udelhofen is a national staff development leader providing consulting services to school districts, education agencies, universities, and colleges. Her work concentrates primarily on issues and practices related to curriculum mapping, teacher mentoring, assessment, standards, and program evaluation. Her experience includes work at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction as a Goals 2000 consultant, and gifted and talented consultant. She has taught courses in teacher mentoring, assessment, reading methods, children’s literature, gifted and talented education, and also served as supervisor/instructor of preservice teachers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is an experienced classroom teacher and holds current licensure.
She is the author of Keys to Curriculum Mapping (Corwin Press) and co-author of The Mentoring Year: A Step-by-Step Guide to Professional Development (Corwin Press) and The Teacher Journal: Reflections About Teaching and Learning (self-published). Her presentation experience includes appearances at the National Staff Development conference, Curriculum Mapping Institutes, New Teacher Center Symposium, American Educational Research Association, National Reading Association, National School Conference Institute, and Wisconsin Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Udelhofen earned a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction and an MS in Educational Psychology, both from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
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