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Dwayne D. Williams

Dwayne D. Williams is a school psychologist, educational consultant, and certified success coach. He provides training to school districts on how to create culturally relevant educational models, including RTI models. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology (BA) from Fairmont State University; he earned a master’s degree in psychology (MA) and an Educational Specialist degree (EdS) from Marshall University Graduate College. Dwayne received training in the area of life coaching from Youth and Family Guidance, Inc. and received board-certified life coaching credentials through the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). Dwayne is the founder of Tier 1 Educational Coaching and Consulting Services—a firm that provides urban educational and psychological consultative services to stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, community leaders, and parents. Dwayne is a first-generation college graduate and is devoted to shedding light on the importance of integrating cultural activities and instruction in the classroom. He was raised in housing projects in Springfield, Illinois, and often speaks on the need to connect with families and community leaders from underrepresented backgrounds. Dwayne is married to Toni Williams, and together they have two beautiful children: Dwayne II and Noni Williams.

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Follow Dwayne on twitter: @dwaynedwilliams
