Clifton L. Taulbert photo

Clifton L. Taulbert

Clifton Taulbert, president and founder of The Building Community Institute, is the author of the internationally acclaimed, Eight Habits of the Heart (Corwin Press 2006), the awarding winning Once Upon a Time When We Were Colored (Penguin 1995), and the Pulitzer-nominated The Last Train North (Penguin 1995). He serves as a guest professor at Harvard University’s Principals Center, Boston University’s Center for Ethics, United States Air Force Academy, and the American International Schools Conference. An adjunct professor at the Federal Executive Institute, Taulbert is also a board member of the National Character Education Partnership and is on the Board of Trustees for Tulsa University. He is recognized internationally as a thought leader on the critical issue of community as a valuable asset for this century.


  • Instructional leadership
  • Principalship
  • Equity
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Competence



  • Resilience in the Classroom: A Building Community Process: In this seminar, participants will develop a daily roadmap to use in their interactions with peers and within their classroom, and learn how to help both adults and students become part of a transforming process essential to students’ sustainable success. Attendees will leave with meaningful transformative strategies to implement and impact the culture within their classrooms and school buildings.
