Bruce Potter
Request AvailabilityBruce Potter is a school administrator with over 30 years experience. Bruce began his career as a classroom teacher and has held leadership roles at the building level as a principal and at the district level as a superintendent for 11 years. In 2013 he secured special legislation which was signed into law by the Governor of New York to open a public school for at-risk and special education students who were identified by their home districts as future high school dropouts. Over a 6 year period, they achieved a graduation rate of 80%. In his current role he is leading his district’s certification as a Visible Learning school through the implementation of effective PLC’s. Over the course of his career he has shared his district’s successes at several national conferences. Bruce is an independent consultant for Corwin Press and is co-founder of the Center for Collaborative Expertise
Certified In
- PLC+
- Success Criteria
- Teacher Clarity
- Visible Learning+ Foundation Series
- Visible Learning+ Impact Series
- Visible Learning+ Impact Coaching
- Visible Learning+ School Capability Assessment
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