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Bill Ziegler

Dr. Bill Ziegler is a high school principal in Pennsylvania. He was recently honored as the 2016 Pennsylvania Principal of the Year, the 2015 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Award Winner, and was selected to serve on the United States team of School Leaders to the Great Leaders Summit in China. Dr. Ziegler has over 24 years of service in public education where he has served as a school leader for 20 years. Bill was recently selected to serve on the team to rewrite the NASSP/NAESP Breaking Ranks publications for school leaders.

He has served as a high school social studies teacher, high school assistant principal, middle school principal, and he currently serves as a high school principal. Bill also earned Apple Teacher certification and was recently selected to participate in an Apple Research Study for School Leaders. Bill is honored to be part of the Corwin Consulting Team that provides high quality professional development to school leaders. Dr. Ziegler also serves as an adjunct professor at Temple University in their Masters of Education department. Bill is very active in his state; he served as the President of the Pennsylvania Principals Association in 2014 and 2016 and was honored to be selected as Treasurer and Southeast Regional Representative for the same association. Dr. Ziegler presents regularly around the world on School Leadership. He has presented at national conferences such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Association of Curriculum & Supervision Development, International Society for Technology in Education, and many more. Bill spoke on Capitol Hill to lobby for better ERate coverage for schools throughout the United States.

Bill is the owner of Chase Learning (https://chaselearning.org), a private educational consulting firm designed to provide high quality and engaging professional development to strengthen school leaders throughout the United States. Personally, Bill is married to his beautiful wife, Kim and they have two high school aged children. Bill can often be found fly fishing in the streams of PA, cheering on his favorite Philly sports teams, or playing his saxophone.

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  • Leadership
  • Digital Learning
  • School Culture
  • Communication



  • Future Focused Leaders
    This interactive and informative session provides the skills for School Leaders to equip students, parents, and teachers with the tools to thrive in the present and the future. School Leaders will come away with practical, easily implementable, and research-based best practices that can provide sustainable positive change in an innovative culture.

  • School Leadership Coaching
    Dr. Ziegler, uses his twenty years of award winning experience and best practices as a School Leader to coach School Leaders to increase their effectiveness, strengthen their leadership, and equip them to courageously lead their students, parents, and teachers. This job-embedded professional development meets School Leaders where they are, it provides them with an opportunity to tailor their learning and take their leadership to the next level.

  • Culture Wins Out! - 7 Steps to Building a Positive School Culture
    School Leaders will learn practical and researched-based best practices to build and sustain a positive school culture. They will learn how to confront negativity, how to win over teachers and parents, and how to lead in a way that engages all students. In addition, they will learn how to celebrate, how to empower collaborative leadership, and how to nurture a positive culture that thrives in the school and community.

  • Closing the Gap! 5 Key Ways to Close the Achievement Gap with All Students
    This session will provide school leaders with research- based, practical strategies that school leaders can use to close the achievement gap and increase opportunities for ALL students. Participants will learn how to nurture resilience, courage, and grit in their faculty, staff, and students. School Leaders will also learn how to build a school culture that is committed to all students! School Leaders will learn five key ways to close the achievement gap for every student.

  • Balancing Act - 7 Ways to Rejuvenate and Reenergize Your Leadership
    This session will inspire and equip school leaders with the tools to balance school, community, family, and life. Participants will hear from acting school leaders about how they are working to achieve balance in their lives so they can give their best to their school, family, and life. This session is packed with humor, real life stories, inspiring messages, and strategies to support school leaders as they relate, innovate, and invigorate.

  • 7 Keys to Digital Leadership
    This highly interactive session provides School Leaders with the tools to lead with a digital mindset and framework. Dr. Bill Ziegler will share with School Leaders practical strategies on how to grow and strengthen their digital leadership. School Leaders will walk away with relevant and practical digital tools they can use to model digital leadership, engage teachers and students with technology, and expand their networking through the use of social media.
