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Working With Parents of Bullies and Victims

Strengthen bully prevention efforts through collaborative dialogue with parents!

This concise book helps educators expand skills for communicating with parents about the thorny subject of bullying. In realistic language, the author explores common concerns of both parties and offers practical strategies to help school staff carry out conversations and interventions with even the most persistent or resistant parents. Readers will find sample dialogues and vignettes written by parents of bullies and victims, plus:

  • An eight-point plan for talking with parents about bullying 
  • Six "fair expectations" to encourage effective teacher-parent collaborations 
  • Talking points to help parents dialogue with their children about bullying

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412951043
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: October 25, 2007
Price: $32.95
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"This resource provides a no-nonsense approach to working collaboratively with parents, students, and administrators to stop bullying situations and prevent bullying in the future. The author provides practical, easy-to-use strategies that can be adapted for different situations. A must-have for educators who want to instill changes."
—Leigh Cassidy, Counselor
Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Greenbelt, MD

"The author provides a thought-provoking book on an important subject neglected by both researchers and writers. The book is full of down-to-earth, commonsense advice that educators will find very helpful in addressing a difficult and complex issue."
—Rob Osborn, Anti-Bullying Strategy Manager
Leicestershire Children and Young People's Service and Anti-Bullying Alliance

Strengthen bully prevention efforts through collaborative dialogue with parents!

This concise book helps educators expand skills for communicating with parents about the thorny subject of bullying. In realistic language, the author explores common concerns of both parties and offers practical strategies to help school staff carry out conversations and interventions with even the most persistent or resistant parents. Readers will find sample dialogues and vignettes written by parents of bullies and victims, plus:

  • An eight-point plan for talking with parents about bullying
  • Six "fair expectations" to encourage effective teacher-parent collaborations
  • Talking points to help parents dialogue with their children about bullying

The lessons from this resource can help administrators, counselors, and teachers partner effectively with parents to create a positive learning climate for all students.

Key features

This concise guide provides:

  • An eight-point plan for talking with parents about bullying
  • Six "fair expectations" of parents to help educators view collaborations more positively
  • Numerous vignettes and sample dialogues
  • Appendix information to give to parents on how to talk to their kids about bullying


Walter B. Roberts, Jr. photo

Walter B. Roberts, Jr.

Walter B. Roberts, Jr., is a professor of counselor education at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He began his career in education as a classroom teacher in 1978 and later served as a school counselor before moving to higher education in 1993. In addition to being licensed for private practice, he has extensive public policy experience in mental health and school safety issues, consults and testifies with legislators and the judicial system, and is a frequent source with the media on counseling-related issues. Bullying from Both Sides, his first book published by Corwin Press in 2006, continues to be a bestseller.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Every Parent's Nightmare--and Yours, Too!

Who Will Benefit From This Book?

The High Cost of Ignoring the Problem

How Educators Have Overlooked Parents as Partners

How to Use This Book With Parents

2. What Bullying and Teasing Do to Everyone--Kids, Adults, and Communities

Death Comes to Lake Wobegon

When Intervention Stops Tragedy

The Pain That Resonates to the Bone

How Everyone Loses When Bullying Occurs

3. Why Parents Complain About Schools' Responses to Bullying

Parents' Attitudes Toward Public Schools: The Statistics

About Those "They Didn't Do Anything" Claims

Documenting the Facts on Interventions

4. How to Talk to Parents Whose Children Are Bullied

Parents of Bullied Children: The Two Camps

Working With the Actively Involved Parent

Working With the Less Actively Involved Parent

The ?Inverted Curve? and Tension Cycle

5. How to Work With Parents Whose Children Bully Others

Some Things to Keep in Mind About the Families of Aggressive Children

Television?s Impact on Children and Bullying

KISSing a Plan Increases the Chances of Success for Everyone

6. The Parent Who Refuses to Cooperate

Subverting the Dominant Paradigm

Conflict Resolution With Parents Who Refuse to Cooperate

Eleven Global Approaches Toward Conflict Resolution

7. Types of Difficult Parents

The Parent Bully

The Silent Treatment

The Staller

The Negative

The Complainer



What About Mediation and Negotiation?

8. Helping Parents Talk at Home With Their Children About Misbehaviors

Helping Parents Understand Punishment, Accountability, and Restitution

Restorative Justice

Helping Parents Help Their Child to Think About Righting a Wrong

What Happens After That First Step?

9. Seven Talking Points for Helping Parents Talk to Children About Being Bullied

Talking Point 1: Help Parents Understand the Importance of Listening to Their Child?s Concerns About Bullying and Teasing

Talking Point 2: Asking the Right Questions Will Likely Increase Parent-Child Communication

Talking Point 3: Parents Want to Obtain as Many Details as Possible in an Understanding Fashion

Talking Point 4: Parents Need to Assure Their Children That They Will Work With Them to Find a Solution to the Problem

Talking Point 5: Parents Should Ask the Child?s Opinions and Concerns About Discussing the Situation With School Personnel

Talking Point 6: Encourage the Child Not to Respond to Provocation With Violence

Talking Point 7: Parents Should Encourage Their Child to Ask Those in the Supervisory Capacity for Assistance

10. Fair Expectations of Parents and Educators in Solving the Problem of Bullying

Fair Expectation 1: Not All Bullying Behaviors Can Be Stopped or Prevented

Fair Expectation 2: Once Bullying Has Been Reported, the Parent Has the Right to Expect the Supervisory Authority to Investigate the Concern

Fair Expectation 3: Parents Expect the Supervisory Authority to Investigate the Concern

Fair Expectation 4: Appropriate Intervention Will Take Place If the Concerns Are Validated

Fair Expectation 5: The Supervisory Authority Will Communicate With Parents as to the Outcome of the Intervention

Fair Expectation 6: Never Forget Fair Expectation 1?Not All Bullying Behaviors Can Be Stopped or Prevented

11. The Courage to Act





Price: $32.95
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